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讲座题目:Changing the Conversation on Evaluating Digital Transformation in Healthcare: Insights from an Institutional Analysis

作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2019-07-03

题  目:Changing the Conversation on Evaluating Digital Transformation in Healthcare:
Insights from an Institutional Analysis

时  间:2019年7月5日(周五)下午4:30-6:00

地  点:beat365亚洲体育在线官网3楼313会议室

摘  要:The global health sector is engaged in significant digital transformation. Evaluating these transformations is important given the major investments involved and their major potential consequences. However, studies have critiqued both the quality of evaluations and the quality of evaluation research. The persistent lack of progress has led researchers to ask deeper questions about what is actually occurring when teams evaluate the benefits of digital transformation. This translational research essay explores how institutional theory offers a lens for understanding the complexities of evaluating digital transformations in healthcare and provides insights for improving it. In particular, we show how institutional theory can explain behaviors observed in the literature and in our own case study. We also show how institutional theory can benefit from the insights observed in evaluation work. Motivated by these opportunities, we suggest an agenda through which practitioners and researchers can jointly improve work in this area.


Andrew Burton-Jones教授简介

Andrew Burton-Jones教授,昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)商学院教授,加拿大温哥华的英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia)终身副教授。Andrew Burton-Jones教授曾在MISQ、ISR、等国际知名刊物发表文章数篇并担任编委会成员。

Andrew Burton-Jones教授主要从事信息系统管理方面的研究。目前Andrew Burton-Jones教授聚焦在三个领域的研究,分别是:1. 组织如何有效地使用IT。2. 改进分析和设计IT系统的方法。3. 改进信息系统学科研究人员使用的理论和方法。