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【讲座题目】Progress in Cross-cultural Research on Career Development: New Perspectives and New Evidence

作者: 编辑: 发布时间:2015-07-06

【讲座题目】Progress in Cross-cultural Research on Career Development: New Perspectives and New Evidence 




【摘要】The presenter will first discuss the new constructs to measure culture, as well as the distinctive mechanisms toexplain cultural 

differences. He will use a co-authored publication on “Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” to demonstrate the role of social 

axioms in explaining cultural differences, above and beyond the roles of self-views. Following that, the presenter will use two new 

publications on “Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology” and “Journal of Vocational Behavior” to demonstrate how to integrate cultural

theories into career research. 




Dr. Yanjun Guan obtained his PhD in psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2009 and then worked as Postdoctoral 

Fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University for one year. In August 2010, Dr.Guan started to work for School of Labor and Human 

Resources, Renmin University of China.In August 2014, Dr. Guan started to working as an Associate Professor(Senior Lecturer) 

for University of Surrey, UK. Dr. Guan co-authored more than 30 publications on peer-refereed international academic outlets, such as

“Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” (2015), “Personnel Psychology” (2015), “Journal of Vocational Behavior” (2013, 2014, 

2015), “Journal of Cross-cultural Psychology” (2015, 2012), ”European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology” (2014),

 ”Journal of Career Development”(2014), ”Journal of Career Assessment”(2013), ”Journal of Happiness Studies” (2013), ”Personality

 and Social Psychology Bulletin” (2012), ”European Journal of Personality” (2012),”Applied Psychology: An International Review” (2011),

 “International Journal of Intercultural Relations” (2010, 2011, 2012), and so on. 


His website is at: http://www.surrey.ac.uk/shtm/people/yanjun_guan/index.htm