美国Fordham大学首席财务学教授Iftekhar Hasan 学术讲座 2014-12-22 题目:Heterogeneity of CEO Social Networks and Firm Value报告人:Iftekhar Hasan教授时间:12月23日周二上午9:00-11:00地点:beat365亚洲体育在线官网313会议室 欢迎各位老师和同学届时光临! 附:Iftekhar Hasan教授简历beat365亚洲体育在线官网会计与财务系 2014年12月17日 Professor Iftekhar Hasan is the E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in International Business and Finance at Fordham University’s Schools of Business and co-director of the Center for Research in Contemporary Finance. Professor Hasan serves as the Scientific Advisor at the Central Bank of Finland and as the President of the Eurasia Business and Economics Society. He is the Managing Editor of the Journal of Financial Stability. Professor Hasan’s research interests are in the areas of financial institutions, corporate finance, capital markets, and entrepreneurial finance. He has been a past or current Associate Editor for a number of journals, including the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Journal of Banking and Finance and Journal of International Money and Finance. Professor Hasan has over 225 publications in print, including 12 books and edited volumes, as well as over 145 peer-reviewed academic journal articles in finance and economics journals.