beat365亚洲体育在线官网教师招聘公告 2021-10-29 国际平台 国家项目 一流学科 一流专业 beat365亚洲体育在线官网是国家教育部直属重点大学,为我国最早兴办的高等学府之一,是首批进入“211”和“985”建设的学校,2017年入选一流大学A类建设名单。 beat365亚洲体育在线官网是我国最早的beat365亚洲体育在线官网之一,现有管理科学与工程、工商管理两个国家一级重点学科。从2002年开始,在教育部的三次学科评估中“管理科学与工程”“工商管理”学科始终名列前茅。2011年,学院正式获得AACSB国际认证,2016、2021年连续通过AACSB维持认证。2016年,学院正式获得世界权威机构QS Stars 世界一流五星级商学院认证。2017年,学院“管理科学与工程”“工商管理”两个一级学科双双进入国家“双一流”建设学科名单。 一、招聘岗位 领军学者、青年拔尖人才(教授、特聘研究员)、青年优秀人才(助理教授) 二、招聘专业 管理科学:博弈论、新产品和技术管理、数据分析、数据与优化、运筹学、可持续运营、随机过程、平台经济、数字经济 运营管理与智能决策:运营管理、供应链管理、质量管理、智能制造管理、服务运营管理、商务数据分析、决策科学、智能制造管理、工程管理、智慧物流 信息系统管理与商务大数据分析:IT行为、信息系统经济学、设计科学、医疗健康信息系统、网络安全、信息系统管理、大数据下的商务模式创新、数字化转型、大数据管理、统计机器学习、智能决策、商务中的人工智能、区块链 组织管理:组织理论、组织行为、人力资源管理、战略与创业管理、国际商务、公司治理、服务管理 创新创业:创新管理、创业管理、战略管理,或与战略、创新和创业相关的领域 市场营销:营销战略、AI营销、B2B营销、数字营销、产品营销、互动营销、消费者行为 会计与财务:财务会计、管理会计、财务管理、审计学、金融学、经济学 三、应聘条件及待遇 (一)领军学者:政治素质过硬、师德师风高尚、育人成效显著、学术成就卓越,具有带领学科(方向)赶超世界一流水平的能力,能够作为国内外相关领域领先水平标志的学者和立德树人的楷模。 (二)青年拔尖人才:具有博士学位,身心健康。A类岗位者年龄一般不超过45周岁、B类岗位者一般不超过40周岁。具有广阔的学术视野和创新思维,获得学术界同行认可。A类应聘者应在相关领域取得突出业绩,学术水平居同龄人中拔尖水平,具有成为学术带头人或学科领军人潜质。B类应聘者应在相关领域崭露头角,学术水平居同龄人前列,具有良好学术潜质。 特别说明的是:被同行认可、有突出业绩且入选国家级青年人才项目者,优先入选本计划“教授”岗位;被同行认可、业绩较好且通过国家级青年人才项目通讯评审者,可免函评、进入学校会议评审。部分学科优秀者可另获25万/年特别资助;特殊情况可面议。 (三)青年优秀人才:具有博士学位,年龄一般不超过32周岁,身心健康。已在相关领域取得明显业绩,学术水平居于同龄人前列,具有良好学术潜质,研究方向符合“面向世界科技前沿、面向经济主战场、面向国家重大需求、面向人民生命健康”要求,具体待遇为: 四、 应聘材料 1.个人简历(从大学至今,时间不间断); 2.至少3位国内外同领域著名专家的推荐信; 3.充分反映本人学术水平的有关材料,包括:3篇代表性论著及论文被收录和引用情况、工作论文情况、导师情况等。 联系人:付老师 联系电话:86-29-82665092 联系邮箱 学院官网:http:/ 本招聘信息常年有效,应聘者可随时申请。了解更多详情,请登录学院网站http:/,或关注学院微信号公众平台。 Job Openings in School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University The School of Management at Xi'an Jiaotong University invites applications for the positions of Full Professor / Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor. Applicants are expected to have a PhD degree in their professional fields, and should be outstanding in research and teaching. Applicants with expertise in one or more of the following research areas are preferred: Management Science: Game theory, New Product and Technology Management, Data Analytics, Data and Optimization, Operations Research, Sustainable Operations, Stochastic Process, Platform Economy, Digital Economy Operations Management and Intelligent Decision: Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Quality Management, Intelligent Manufacturing Management, Service Operations Management, Business Analytics, Intelligent Decision? Engineering Management, Smart Logistics Information System and Big-data Business Analysis: IS Behavior, Economics and IS, Design science and IS, IS in Healthcare, Cybersecurity, Information System Management, Electronic Commerce, Business Models and Digital Transformation, Big Data Management, Statistical Machine Learning, and AI in Business, Blockchain Organizational Management: Organizational Theory, Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management, Strategic and Entrepreneurial Management, International Business, Corporate Governance, Service Management Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship Management, Strategy Management, or areas related to strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship Marketing: Marketing Strategy, AI Marketing, B2B Marketing, Digital Marketing, Product Marketing, Interactive Marketing, Consumer Behavior Accounting and Finance: Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing, Finance, Economics About School of Management, Xi'an Jiaotong University As a national key university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education of China, Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU) is one of the oldest modern institutions of higher education in China. XJTU is one of the top universities in China. It was supported by the Central Government at the seventh and eighth five-year plans. As one of the first seven universities entering China's “Project 211” and “Project 985”, XJTU is making its full speed to develop into a world first-class university. XJTU's School of Management was founded in 1928. It is one of the earliest and top-tier management schools in China with accreditations of AACSB International (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) Stars, and EQUIS (European Quality Improvement System). It is among the first group of schools in China to offer professional degree programs such as MBA and EMBA. It now has two national first-level key disciplines: Business Administration as well as Management Science and Engineering. Since 2002, the two disciplines have been ranked among the top disciplines according to the evaluation made by the Chinese Ministry of Education. The School's mission is to cultivate innovative, principled, and outstanding managerial talents and leaders with global perspective. The School of Management at Xi'an Jiaotong University consists of seven departments and 107 full-time faculty members. The School offers distinctive and diversified programs, including regular undergraduate, master, and Ph.D programs, and senior programs like MBA, EMBA, MPAcc, and MEM. All the programs are designed intellectually rigorous and have contemporary and professional relevance. All members of the School of Management have the confidence that the School will keep standing in the front of management research and being an ideal institution of higher learning longed for by students who are interested in professional management education. All members in the School will continue to make efforts to develop the School into a world-renowned institution with more influence in social services. For more information, please visit the school's website http:. NOTES: Ranks of professor and salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Successful candidates will receive a competitive remuneration package based on the international standard. Full Professors/Associate Professors are supported by the Top Young Talents Support Plan at XJTU with basic salaries ranging from RMB 450, 000 to 600,000 /year. Extra working and living benefits include attractive start-up research fund above RMB 500,000, settle-in allowance around RMB 400,000 to 800,000 pre-tax, social insurance and accumulation fund around RMB 90,000/year, an apartment, and high-quality educational resources for children. Assistant Professors are supported by the Young and Excellent Talents Program, and will be provided with a basic salary of RMB 400,000 /year. Extra working and living benefits include social insurance and accumulation fund around RMB 80,000/year, an apartment or the housing subsidy of RMB 1,500 yuan /month, and high-quality educational resources for children. Application Procedure Applicants are requested to send a package including: 1) a cover letter indicating the applied position 2) a current curriculum vitae 3) 3 samples of publications 4) 3 recommendation letters Contact Information: Ms Linny Fu,,+86-29-8266-5092