beat365亚洲体育在线官网博士生学位论文及已发表论文目录公示(王鹏) 2020-03-02 个人信息: 姓名:王鹏 专业:工商管理 学号:4115008040 班级:博1542班 导师:江旭教授 学位论文题目: 新兴经济体中国际合资企业解体研究 已发表论文目录: [1]Wang, P., Ma, Y., & Hu, Z. Unraveling the Effect of Alliance Experience on Alliance Formation and Alliance Governance Structure: A Meta-Analytic Approach [J],Australian Journal of Management, 2018,43(4), 653-671. DOI: 10.1177/0312896218768853 [2]Wang, P.& Jiang X. Alliance Experience and Performance Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis [C],78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM), Chicago, IL, USA, 2018. [3]Wang, P., Ma, Y., & Hu, Z. The Effect of Alliance Experience on Alliance Formation and Alliance Governance Structure: A Meta-Analysis,8th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Wuhan, China, 2018. [4]Wang, P., Liu, B., &Delios, A. Media Coverage and International Joint Venture Dissolution: An External-Internal Legitimacy Perspective [C],61st Annual Meeting of Academy of International Business (AIB), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2019. [5]Wang, P., Liu B., &Makino, S. When Experience Eclipses Dependence: Host Country Experience, International Joint Venture Dissolution, and the Moderating Role of Host Country Institutions [C],9th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR), Xi’an, China, 2020. 公示时间: 2020年3月2日