学术活动Academic activities 讲座题目:Data Analytics in Operations and Supply Chains 2017-09-19 讲座题目:一带一路的发展情况回顾和展望 2017-09-06 讲座题目:Forecasting Epidemic Diseases with Prediction Market System 2017-07-22 讲座题目: "Marginal Estimation + Price Optimization" Framework for Data Driven Pricing ... 2017-07-21 讲座题目:管理会计与价值创造 2017-07-07 讲座题目:Finding Justice: How Underpaid CEOs Respond to CSR 2017-07-05 讲座题目: An Introduction to Paradox Theory: An Emerging Paradigm 2017-07-04 讲座题目:Communication with Endogenous Investor Attention 2017-07-04 讲座题目: Are analyst teams’ forecasts more accurate? 2017-07-03 讲座题目:Zero-Visibility Cops-and-Robber Problems on Graphs 2017-06-26 西班牙格兰纳达大学Prof. Enrique Herrera-Viedma学术讲座 2017-06-23 讲座题目: 事件系统理论原理及其在管理科研与实践中的应用分析 2017-06-23 信息管理系大数据与管理高端讲座【1】 2017-06-16 信息管理系大数据与管理高端讲座【2】 2017-06-16 讲座题目:Maximumb-matching based approximation algorithm design 2017-06-14 香港城市大学Richard Fung 教授系列讲座 2017-06-13 讲座题目:Aggregate returns and aggregate earnings 2017-06-06 讲座题目: online review volume, customer agility and product performance: an empirical ... 2017-06-05 讲座题目:Online Resource Allocation with Limited Flexibility 2017-06-02 讲座题目:「文化相通」:古代到現代絲綢之路的中國千年思維的轉變 2017-06-01 首页< <1...2526272829...43>>尾页