学术活动Academic activities 讲座题目: The effect of user generated photos on review helpfulness prediction: An ana... 2018-06-05 报告题目:Learning How to Plan, Write, Revise and Publish Top Quality Papers in Top Qua... 2018-05-30 讲座题目:The Future of Accounting in the Big Data Age 2018-05-29 讲座题目:管理会计新发展 2018-05-29 讲座题目:国家治理结构与审计制度变革 2018-05-29 讲座题目:Big 4 Auditors, LitigationRisk, and Disclosure Tone 2018-05-22 讲座题目:TRIZ++管理创新应用机会研究方向与策略 2018-05-17 讲座题目:von Mises-Fisher Mixture Model-based Deep learning and its Application to Fac... 2018-05-16 讲座题目:智能视觉-通过静脉看身份 2018-05-15 讲座题目:Decomposing the Brokerage Advantage during Organizational Change: The Contras... 2018-05-09 第二期青年学者发展与管理创新论坛通知 2018-05-08 讲座题目:von Mises-Fisher Mixture Model-based Deep learning and its Application to Fac... 2018-05-05 讲座题目:Healthcare Insurance System in Japan: Japan, the U.S. and Denmark Compared 2018-05-02 讲座题目:日本处理突发事件的应对机制 2018-05-02 讲座题目:Analysisof a Procurement Game 采购博弈分析 2018-04-13 青年学者与博士生学术交流研讨会暨第四期工商管理学科学术沙龙报名啦! 2018-04-12 青年学者与博士生学术交流研讨会暨第一期管理科学与工程学科学术沙龙报名啦! 2018-04-12 讲座题目:Robust Contract Designs: Linear Contracts for Sales Force Compensation 2018-04-02 讲座题目:3D Printing vs. Traditional Flexible Technology: Implications for Operations ... 2018-03-19 讲座题目:PARADOXICAL CLIMATE, TOP MANAGEMENT TEAM JOB-RELATED DIVERSITY AND ORGANIZATI... 2018-02-26 首页< <1...2324252627...43>>尾页